:: 25 Fun Valentine’s Day Games & Activities for Kids :: Valentines Day Party Games Ideas ::

25 Valentines Games and Activities.jpg

Valentine’s is on a Saturday this year which means….more time with the kids! Here are 25 FUN games and activities to help you make your day a bit more special! These games and activities are great whether you’re having a party or staying home!

:: Valentines Day Party Games Ideas :: 


1. Cupids Arrow Game
Using Kraft’s Jet-Puffed HeartMallows (see pic below), a skewer and some colored tape, make cupid’s arrow. Then try launching it to see who hits the heart target and makes it in!


:: Valentine Day Party Games Kids ::

2. You Fill My Heart with Love Valentine Game

Using Kraft’s Jet-Puffed HeartMallows (or conversation candy hearts), a spoon and two small bowls, see who can fill up their bowls quicker in 30 seconds.

Valentine's Games by oh! rubbish! blog

:: Valentine Games Ideas ::

3. Heart-a-stack Game
Whoever builds the highest stack of conversation candy hearts wins!

Valentine's Games by oh! rubbish! blog

:: Valentine Games Kids ::

4. Love Sucks (Not Really!) Game
Using 2 small plates (one empty and one with conversation candy hearts, marshmallow hearts or 2″ tissue paper heart cut outs), the player needs to transfer them from one plate to the other by sucking through a straw. Whoever transfers the most hearts in one minute wins!

Valentine's Games by oh! rubbish! blog

:: Valentine Day Games Kids ::

5. My Heart Races For You Valentine Game
Whoever can carry the most stacked up candy hearts or marshmallows hearts in their spoon without dropping them wins!

Valentine's Games by oh! rubbish! blog  Valentine's Games by oh! rubbish! blog

6. Hungry For Your Love 
Using marshmallow hearts, two players stand on opposite sides of each other (the younger they are–the closer they stand, the older they are–the further they stand). One will do the tossing, one will do the catching in their mouth! Whoever catches the most hearts wins!

:: Valentine Day Games Ideas ::

7. Pick Up Artist Game
You will need one plate with conversation candy hearts (or marshmallow hearts), one empty plate and chopsticks. Whoever transfers the most candy hearts from one plate to the other using chopsticks in one minute wins!

Valentine's Games by oh! rubbish! blog


8. Looking For LOVE In All the Right Places Game
Turn 10 objects from around your home into hearts and have your kids find them. For younger kids,  you can cut out 10 red hearts and have them find them.

Heart Scavenger Hunt

:: Valentine Party Games Kids ::

9. Pin the Lips on Mrs. Valentine Game
Pin the Lips on Mrs. Valentine Game

10. I’m Sending You Love Letters!
Send your kids love letters! On every heart write something you love about them and place it a small mailbox. If not, place them all in an envelope and in your mailbox.

Valentines Day Games and Ideas for Kids

:: Valentine Day Party Ideas Kids ::

11. Make a funny and silly story using conversation hearts.

Conversation Heart Story


12. Valentine Left-Right Story Game
Left Right Game Story

:: Valentine Activities Kids ::

13. Valentine’s Mad Libs Activity

Valentines Day Mad Lib


Valentine Mad Libs Version 2


14. Funny Valentine Mnemonics Game

One player calls out 10 letters meanwhile the rest right them down. Players need to start a sentence with each letter. The funniest sentence wins!

:: Valentine Day Ideas Kids ::

15. Valentine Photo Booth Props
Free Printables

Valentine Photo Booth Props

:: Fun Valentine Party Games :: 

16. Conversation Heart Bingo Game
Use the free printable provided along with conversation candy hearts for a game of BINGO!

Conversation Heart Bingo

:: Easy Valentine Games ::

17. Tic Tac Toe Valentine Game

Use the free printable provided to play a game of tic tac toe with your Valentine candies!

Tic Tac Toe Valentine

:: Kids Valentine Party Games :: 

18. You Crack Me Up Valentine!
Place some jokes in your kids lunch boxes or take turns trying to figure them out! Free printable provided.
Valentine Jokes


19. Hearts to Hearts Valentine Card Game
This is a Valentine’s Day version of the Apples to Apples Game. Free printable provided.
Hearts to Hearts Valentine Card Game

:: Valentine Games Party ::

20. Color My World Valentine Activity
Add food coloring and water to empty spray bottles (1 bottle per color). Spray the snow to color it. Then using heart shaped cookie cutters, cut out your colored hearts. If you’re in a warmer climate, you can do the same thing in the sand!

colored snow heartsOr use a heart stencil (or draw your own) and some chalk to decorate your sidewalk!
Path of Love


21. Valentine Word Search Puzzle
Free Printable

Valentine Word Search

:: Valentine Kids Games ::

22. Secret Message Valentine Activity

Use a white crayon to write your secret message then watercolor over it to reveal the hidden message.
Secret Admirer Valentine

:: Fun Valentine Ideas Kids :: 

23. Make Your Own Personalized Conversation Hearts
This site allows you to personalize your own conversation hearts! Just add your text and choose your color!
oh! rubbish! love

:: Valentine Fun Kids ::

24. You Make My Heart Soar Valentine Paper Airplane
Print and build your airplanes and see whose heart soars the furthest!

You Make My Heart Soar Valentine

:: Easy Valentine Activities for Kids ::

25. Take Fun Heart Pictures
Make sure to capture what matters most!


Fun Heart PicturesBlowing Heart Kisses




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