:: Valentine School Treats :: Valentine’s Day Cards to Print ::
: Here’s What You’ll Need ::
“Sucker for Love” Printable
White Cardstock Paper
Rainbow Heart Lollipops
Hot Glue Gun
X-Acto Knife and Self Healing Mat or Hole Puncher
2″ Square Paper Punch (optional)
:: Valentine Lollipop Favors :: Valentine Class Treats ::

:: What To Do ::
Print the “Sucker for Love ” printable on white cardstock paper. Cut out each heart.
:: Valentine Day Treats School :: Valentine Day Party Favors ::
Find a lollipop and place over your heart to figure out where you would need to cut two slits to insert the lollipop stick.
(I would suggest you use one for practice, as you can’t make the slits too small or the paper will rip trying to slide the lollipops in and they can’t be so massively big as the lollipops will slide out and look…well…ugly! If you don’t have an X-Acto knife, you can use a hole puncher instead.)
:: Valentine Candy Card :: Valentine Day Favors :: Valentine Day Treats Kids ::
Cut two slits with the X-Acto Knife and slide the lollipops in place.
:: Valentine Party Treats :: Valentine Party Favors :: Valentine Candy Cards Make ::
Using the scraps leftover, cut triangles to make arrow tips…
:: Valentine Day Treats Make :: Valentine Day Favor Ideas :: Valentine Candy Cards Make ::
Unless you prefer to make them perfectly symmetrical….then use a 2 inch square paper punch.
:: Easy Valentine Day Treats :: Valentine Candy Gift :: Valentines Day Party Favors ::
Cut the square into two triangles. Then fold over each triangle into a smaller triangle.
:: Valentine Class Favors :: Cute Valentine Day Treats ::
Using the hot glue gun, glue each arrow tip in place.