Party City had a great selection of GRINCH PARTY DECORATIONS! There I found the “Merry Grinchmas” Banner, sleigh backdrop, plates, napkins, photo props, and table sign.GRINCH PHOTO BOOTH & PROPS
:: Grinch Breakfast :: The Grinch Party Decor ::
If you’re all about creating food from scratch…that’s awesome! I’m quite the opposite…need quick food ideas!! Get your favorite pancake batter mix and drop some green food coloring until you get the color you like! Make your pancakes, top with whipped cream and a Wilton Jumbo Heart Sprinkle!
:: The Grinch and Breakfast :: Grinch Party Ideas ::
Brioche bread or Hawaiian sliced bread work well with this Egg in a Hole. Using a heart shaped cookie cutter, cut out the center of the bread. Put butter on the bottom of the bread and put on the pan (medium heat). Then crack the egg and place it in the hole. Add some salt and pepper. Allow to cook until it doesn’t look so runny. Then using a spatula scoop up the bread, place butter on the pan and cook the other side for about 2 minutes or so. The egg yolk should still be soft.
Meanwhile….place butter on the top and bottom of the heart breads you cut out and place in the toaster oven to get crispy! Eat together with your egg in a hole!
:: The Grinch Themed Party :: Ideas for Christmas Breakfast ::
Cut a thin slice of banana and slice off the top of the strawberry. Assemble the kabob by placing the grape, banana slice, strawberry and topped with a mini marshmallow.
Place the skewers in a floral foam piece to ensure they stand up. Place in a similar sized container. I covered it up with large marshmallows to disguise.
:: Grinch Party Foods ::
I used the Dole Fruit & Veggie fruit ‘n greens frozen mix as the base then added milk, fresh bananas, little vanilla extract, sugar, and a pinch of salt. Make your smoothie and top it with a Wilton Jumbo Heart Sprinkle.