:: DIY Stencil Wall Art :: Window Borders Designs ::


DIY Stencil Wall Art by oh! rubbish! blogDIY Stencil Wall Art by oh! rubbish! blog

:: Here’s what you’ll need::

Pattern (found below or use your own)
X-Acto Knife
Self healing mat or cardboard
3 or more black permanent markers

DIY STENCIL WALL ART by: oh! rubbish! blogPrint out your desired pattern on a transparency. Make sure you use the correct one for your printer (ink jet vs. laser). Then, using an X-acto knife and self healing mat (or cardboard), cut out the pattern.

:: Here is the pattern I used ::


DIY STENCIL WALL ART by: oh! rubbish! blog


TIPS:: Some areas will be too small to cut out (particularly small dots or details). It’s best to draw those freehand. Also, having several permanent markers on hand works best, to keep them drawing smooth and dark. 
:: Wall Art for the Bedrooms :: Wall Window Decor ::

DIY STENCIL WALL ART by: oh! rubbish! blog

Position stencil as desired, flipping and rotating as needed to create a flowing pattern. Use tape to hold in place, as you trace and fill in pattern with permanent marker. 

DIY STENCIL WALL ART by: oh! rubbish! blog

:: DIY Wall Art Stencils :: Wall Art for Windows ::

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