:: Lego Minifigure Face Stencils :: Free Printable Templates for Plates and Cups :: Lego Birthday Party Supplies ::

Step 1: Print out the templates below. Step 2: Cover with contact paper or mailing tape. Step 3: Cut out the black areas with an x-acto knife. Step 4: Place stencil over your plate and/or cups and color in with a black permanent marker. Lego Birthday Party Decorations.
This is the Lego Face Template for 9 oz cups. Print template, cover with contact paper or mailing tape and then cut out with x-acto knife. Use black permanent marker to color in the details. Lego Birthday Party Theme.
This is the Lego Face Template for 7 1/8 inch square plates. Lego Birthday Supplies. Lego Birthday Theme.
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