Year after year, our little ones are sending their wish lists to Santa, but wouldn’t it be nice for Santa to write back? Even better, its postmarked from the NORTH POLE! And even BETTER, it’s FREE! Here’s what you need to do:
- Have your kids write their letters to Santa. Place it in a large
envelope (DON’T SEAL IT QUITE YET!) and address it to:
North Pole Christmas Cancellation
5400 Mail Trail
Fairbanks, AK 99709-9998 - Using this template (or use your own), write a letter from Santa to your child. (Type it up on the computer or give it to a friend to write it for you –to help conceal your handwriting!)
- Place the letter you wrote inside a self-addressed stamped envelope that is addressed as follows:
TO: Your Child’s Name
Your Child’s Address
FROM: Santa
North Pole - Place the self-addressed stamped envelope addressed to your child INSIDE the large envelope that contains your child’s letter. Mail it all together. The U.S. Postal Service will apply a North Pole, Alaska postmark to the inside envelope and deliver it. Just make sure your letters are in Fairbanks, AK by December 15th so they make it back in time! write letter from santa
Perhaps, you rather skips all the above steps, and have someone just do it all for you? Even if it means, its not free? Here’s an option, that makes it all worth it!
Package From Santa
They offer three different packages: Gold, Silver, and Platinum, starting at $14.95. I personally purchased the Silver Package which includes: Personalized Video from Santa (You get to pick between two videos, of which are very well done (seriously, high quality!). It mentions your child’s name and state, picture of your child when Santa is trying to see if he/she has been naughty/nice, their picture again in the end of the video on the “nice wall”; Personalized Call from Santa (which you get to set up the time/date and get to select from a list of which type of call you would like to get from Santa); Personalized Letter from Santa Claus; Personalized Nice List Certificate; 8 1/2 X 11 Autographed Santa Claus Photo; Autographed Rudolph Photo; Santa’s Special North Pole Return Address Label; Special Elf Shipping Label Addressed To Your Child; Genuine North Pole Stamp; 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. You know you are getting high quality stuff, when companies are featured (like this one, in People, Good Housekeeping, Parenting Magazine, American Baby and Fast Company), and offer a money back guarantee!
from letter from Santa, from Christmas letter from Santa
Perhaps your child rather write to Mrs. Claus and the elves? Check out my post here to see how they can…and you’ll never guess how they write back…from your freezer!
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