:: Upcycled TIC TAC® Container:: Super Hero :: Super Power Drops :: Birthday Party Favor Ideas :: Fun Kids Stuff ::

 Whether you’re looking for Marvel super hero party ideas, super hero gift ideas for your party, super hero crafts to make at home with your kids, or perhaps you are having a DC Super Friends birthday party?…These SUPER POWER DROPS will give all your little SUPER HEROES all the SUPER POWERS they ever wished they had!


:: Here’s What You’ll Need ::

* 8 UPCYCLED TIC TAC ® CONTAINERS (one per color)
(yellow, red, white, blue, green, purple, and brown/orange)

:: Step 1 ::

Decide which candies/chocolates you would like to coordinate with each color. You can use Nerds ®,SweeTARTS ®, TIC TAC ® Skittles ®, and/or M&M’s ® , just to name a few! (Keep in mind: warm weather and chocolate!)

:: Step 2 ::

Remove the TIC TAC ® labels from all the containers.

:: Step 3 ::

Fill each container with its coordinating color. Make sure you leave the orange one (“Invisibility Drops”) empty:)

:: Step 4 ::

Print the labels below. Cut each out and then apply a thin and even amount of glue to each label and affix to the containers.


SUPER POWER DROPS Printable by oh! rubbish! blog

 :: Super Hero Super Powers :: Hero Power Super ::


The stand was made from an upcycled box. First, I covered it in construction paper and then in contact paper for durability (optional). Using an X-Acto knife, I carved out slots big enough for the TIC TAC ® containers to fit in. I measured about half the size of the bottom of the container, so that they would be wedged in and slanted. TIP: Be careful not to cut too much, or they will fall or not hold at all.
 :: Recycled Plastic Crafts :: Super Hero Gift Ideas :: 


Print the sign below, cut out and glue on upcycled cardboard. Then slide a popsicle or craft stick through the bottom of the cardboard sign to make it stand. I used hot glue gun to affix it to the back of the box.


Looking for Superhero Party Ideas?
Check out this post and this post.

DIY :: Become Super Hero Make Artificial Powers

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